Taking a Private Jet to Australia for the Commonwealth Games

30 Jan, 2018 | Adagold Luxe, News

Australia is proudly hosting the 2018 Commonwealth Games in the sunny coastal city, The Gold Coast. Once you’ve finished cheering and been moved by the determination and grit of the athletes make sure you take some time out of the sporting arena to experience the beauty of Australia!

Imagine watching your favourite sportsperson take home a medal, then hopping into your limousine which takes you straight to your private jet’s door. No queues, no check-ins, no security, no ‘boarding times’, and no delays.

Once you’re in your luxury jet, the hostess pours you a refreshing beverage and your pilot turns to you and says “where to?” You could answer “home”, or you could pick anywhere in Australia. How often do you come to Australia? Why not take this opportunity to experience as much as you can with ease and comfort in your own private jet?

So, when your pilot says “where to?” you could answer “home” or you could answer…

Fly To The Whitsundays – Sail Across The Great Barrier Reef

The Whitsundays is home to white sand, crystal clear blue water and an underground world of fish, turtles and dolphins. Set to sea and enjoy the wind in your hair as you sit upon your own luxury Northrop & Johnson Super Yacht.

Fly To The Sunshine Coast – Home To Australia Zoo

What would a trip to Australia be without a cuddle from a koala or a chance to pet a kangaroo? Australia Zoo is full of crocodiles, koalas, kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, snakes, Tasmanian devils, the list could go on… We could simply fly you via private jet straight from the Gold Coast, over Brisbane and onto the Sunshine Coast. A limousine transfer would then take you straight from the tarmac to your animal adventure.

Fly To The Heart Of Australia – The Red Centre

You simply have not experienced Australia in all of its vastness until you take a trip to our Red Centre. Experience spectacular sites like Uluru, dine at the iconic Longitude 131 resort, sip on Australia’s finest wines and see the outback for yourself from the luxury of the skies. Why wait? Organise your Uluru flights via any number of private jet hire options that Adagold can provide to suit your needs!

Fly To Our Great Ocean Road

The Twelve Apostles are waiting for you. They are a truly spectacular view and even better from the sky. Get up close and personal with a luxury helicopter experience that will take you along the edge of Australia. When you are back on land you are bound to see some iconically Australian wildlife (if you are especially lucky a koala might even come and say hi).

You would be crazy to fly all the way to Australia just to fly home again without seeing beyond the sun soaked Gold Coast. Australia is full of iconic and extraordinary experiences that are calling you. Let us plan a bespoke, luxury, Jet-Centric Australian experience for you TODAY.

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